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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Deadspin.com somehow got their hands on an amazing video of Jerry Jones, owner of the abominable Dallas Cowboys, on a drunk and peacocking to some young lonestar douches at a bar. Here's the transcript, courtesy of deadspin:

Jerry Jones: Romo was a miracle.
Other guy: It was a miracle, wasn't it?
JJ: He almost never got in, and he almost was gone. Tebow would never…
Different other guy: What if you were the Jaguars or — would you just, just draft him and sell fucking jerseys?
JJ: That's the only reason I brought in Bill Parcells.
JJ: [Inaudible. Sounds a little like, "Sell mammoth fuckin' rake," whatever that means.]
JJ: Bill's not worth a shit. I love him.
Different other guy: I know you do.
JJ: Not worth a shit, but I wanted — they were on my ass so bad. J's gotta have a yes man. So to get this fuckin' stadium, I need to bring his ass in.
Different other guy: What, you, you wouldn't take Tebow in the third round?
JJ: Why? He'd never get on the field. I can't get him out there.
JJ: I can't get him out there.

Too bad we can't get the whole evening's convo. I hate to say it, but I agree with Jerry on a few points. Namely, that Tony Romo has been amazing for their team (praise be, not amazing enough to win a superbowl), and that Tim Tebow is going to get drafted higher than he should. I just hope it's not by the Philadelphia Eagles.

Jones' proclamation that Bill Parcells is not worth a shit, on the other hand, is completely off and very revealing. Parcells turned an awful Dallas team around. Heaven sakes, Parcells- who is widely regarded as one of the best coaches of all time- has just returned the atrocious Miami Dolphins to respectability! But Jones is an egomaniac, and he can't let himself believe that anyone who has the guts to stand up to him is worth a shit, no matter what happens. This is why he fired Jimmy Johnson after two Superbowl victories. Yes, Superbowl victories.  At least Jones admits that he needs "yes men" around.

Jerry Jones, man. I love to hate this guy, and he makes it really easy for me. Just like his bosom buddy, W.

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